Burial or Cremation? Pros and Cons

What should happen to your body after death? For many, this is one of the biggest taboos. However, it's essential to address this issue and not burden your loved ones with such a significant decision. Both burials and cremations have their advantages and disadvantages. We aim to break this down for you and encourage you to take some time to consider it.


What is a Burial?

In a burial, the body is placed in a casket and interred in a cemetery. If the body is not cremated, this is the only legally sanctioned form of burial in Germany.

Currently, about 30% of the deceased are buried, whereas three decades ago, it was 70%.


Process of a Burial

The process of a burial varies according to the wishes of the deceased and their loved ones. The casket may be interred without ceremony or as part of a memorial service. A memorial service gives family and friends an opportunity to say goodbye and to process the loss more fully.

Before the burial, the casket is displayed in the cemetery's chapel. Loved ones have the opportunity to say their final farewells during this time. In Germany, it is common for the casket to remain closed, though open casket services are also possible.

The deceased may wear their own clothing for a burial. The acceptance of shoes and belts depends on the individual cemetery's regulations.

There is also an option for an anonymous burial: in this case, the casket is placed in a communal grave without any special marker.


Pros and Cons of a Burial

Burials have both pros and cons. Your choice for or against this form of burial will depend greatly on personal preferences and individual circumstances.


Benefits of a Burial

  1. A Place to Mourn: A burial provides you with a place to mourn. A cemetery grave is a peaceful and dignified location where you can feel connected to the deceased and where you can grieve. Bereaved individuals whose loved ones do not have a fixed grave often report a sense of emptiness and greater difficulty in processing their loss. A fixed mourning place can offer support and structure in the grieving process.
  2. Representative Memorial: A gravestone also offers the opportunity to feel actively connected to the deceased. Placing favorite flowers on the grave and maintaining it as a regular ritual provide a beautiful way to keep the memory of the deceased alive and show that they still hold an important place in your heart even after their passing.
  3. Traditional Form of Burial: A burial carries many traditions. Traditions give survivors comfort and security during difficult times. Mourning rituals or regular visits to the gravesite provide solace and the feeling of being able to 'visit' the deceased.


Downsides of a Burial

However, burials also come with certain drawbacks.

  1. Short Deadlines: Burials are subject to deadlines that vary by state – they are allowed no sooner than 48 hours after death and usually must occur within 10 days of the passing. For the bereaved, this means having little time to quietly comprehend what has happened and needing to quickly make decisions and act. This includes not only the burial itself but also organizing associated activities, such as sending invitations for the memorial service, planning the service, and arranging the wake and any musical tributes.
  2. Cemetery Requirement: Since burials are legally required to be in cemeteries, there is no flexibility. A plot in a cemetery must be found without exception.
  3. Cost and Maintenance: Burials involve relatively high expenses. These include not only the immediate costs for the coffin, burial, and memorial service but also ongoing maintenance costs. Fees for grave use, as well as the costs for memorial decorations, upkeep, or a gardener, are significantly higher compared to cremations.


How Much Does a Burial Cost?

The cost of a burial cannot be easily generalized as it varies greatly depending on the type of coffin, gravestone, or memorial service. Generally speaking, burials are much more expensive than cremations. This is mainly because the coffin needs to be sturdier than that required for a cremation to withstand the pressure of the earth. Additionally, the costs for gravestones and grave plots are higher. On average, you can expect costs around 13,000 Euros, but depending on the scale of the memorial service, it can even go up to 30,000 Euros.


What is a Cremation?

A cremation means having one's body burned after death. An increasing number of people are choosing this form of burial.


Process of a Cremation

The process of a cremation is well-defined: Initially, the body is transported in a coffin to the crematorium. To respect the dignity of the deceased, a coffin is also required for this form of burial.

Upon arrival, a second examination by a medical officer is performed to definitively rule out an unnatural cause of death. Before the cremation, the bereaved must reaffirm the deceased's explicit wish to be cremated. Ideally, there is a written document from the deceased.

So, how does a cremation at the crematorium proceed? If desired, you have the option to say your goodbyes to the deceased in an open coffin as part of a small memorial service. Following this, the deceased is cremated. To ensure that the ashes can be conclusively attributed to the correct individual, a fire-resistant stone with an identification number is included.

Afterward, the ashes are placed in a capsule and transferred to an undertaker, cemetery, or maritime service.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Cremation

Of course, this type of burial has both pros and cons.


Advantages of Cremation

  1. Sufficient Time for Planning: With a cremation, several weeks pass between death and the burial. It typically takes around 10 to 25 days until the deceased is cremated and the memorial service can be arranged. This provides ample time for a thoughtful and personalized planning.
  2. Cost-Effective: Cremations are significantly cheaper than burials. The cremation casket made of plywood is less expensive than a substantial burial casket. Additionally, costs for the headstone, grave use, and grave maintenance are lower.
  3. Various Burial Options: Cremation offers more options to honor the individuality of the deceased. Besides the traditional cemetery burial, sea or tree burials are also possible. Furthermore, the ashes can be transferred abroad, where even more types of burials are available. For example, alpine meadow burials or air burials, where the ashes are scattered from a great height from an aircraft or weather balloon, are possible in Switzerland.


Disadvantages of Cremation

However, it is important to be aware of the disadvantages of cremation.

  1. Irreversible Decision: Choosing cremation is an irreversible step. The body of the deceased is no longer present, only the ashes remain. For many loved ones, this can be a painful realization as it starkly highlights the finality of death.
  2. Distance from the Deceased: Placing an urn might feel abstract to many bereaved individuals. The remains are reduced to ashes, interred in a small grave, under a tree, or in the sea. The tangible place for mourning and the traditional grave rituals are not the same as with a burial.
  3. High Pollutant Emission: Cremating a body produces an average of 242 kilograms of CO2. Thus, the environmental impact of cremations is quite significant.


How Much Does a Cremation Cost?

The cost of a cremation is notably lower than that of a burial. Firstly, the price for a cremation casket is lower than for a solid burial casket, as it is made of easily combustible plywood. Secondly, the expenses for the headstone, grave use, and grave maintenance are less. Cremations can be priced from as low as 2000 Euros.


Further Questions on the Topic: Burial or Cremation

Do you have more questions? We would like to provide more information to help you feel comfortable with the subject.


Is Cremation Painful?

For many, the idea of the body being burned after death is frightening. Does cremation cause pain? We want to reassure you: Before the cremation takes place, it must be confirmed at least twice by a doctor that death has indeed occurred. Therefore, the body will certainly not feel anything.

In Buddhism, where cremation has a much longer tradition, it is believed that cremation encourages the soul to leave the body more quickly, even before the cremation process starts.


Is Cremation Without a Casket Possible?

A cremation without a casket is not possible. Even for cremations, a casket is mandatory.



The type of burial you choose depends entirely on your individual beliefs and circumstances. We encourage you to make this decision during your lifetime. It relieves your loved ones of a significant burden and responsibility.

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